Before 2016 I had tried everything to lose weight. From cabbage soup to popcorn and all those crazy diets in between. I was tired and over weight and frustrated. I was too big to do anything “fun” like zip line tours while on our trip to Hawaii. No matter what I tried NOTHING SEEMED TO WORKED. Fortunately, my friend Sharon thought of me when she found this system and even though I put her off with excuses, It won't work, I don't want to drink shakes, I am too busy, I finally listened to what she said and realized "OH wait" What if it does work and I don't at least try it. What is this is the one thing I needed and in that moment I knew I had nothing to lose. My mindset shifted and I ordered my pack.
I got my product and followed the program by the book, (I wanted to be sure I did it right, so I would know without doubt if it worked or not.) By day three I knew this product was going to work for me and by day five I knew I’d never give it up. Two and a half years later I'm more excited about it now than I was then.
Since using this nutrition I’ve finished a half Tough Mudder with my Believing & Achieving Team. Yes that’s 13 obstacles in the mud. I've also completed a 5K Color Run and 5K Inflatable race. I ride bikes with my grand kids go on hikes, water ski and snow ski and the big deal.... did the zip line in Kauai. YaHoo!
I believe everyone can achieve their goals with this program and want to share with everyone!
I have added some convenient links to informational videos that will help you understand more about this wonderful nutrition I am so thrilled about. Please take a look, then give me a call, you'll want to get started right away because there is no better time than NOW to get started on the rest of your life.